Amsterdam Early Bird Toastmasters

Language English
Meeting Days We are hosting offline and invitation meetings only .
Every 1st, 3rd and when applicable, 5th Saturday of the month.
Times 08:45 to 10:30

De Goede Herder Kerk
Social Hall
Van Boshuizenstraat 420
1082 BA Amsterdam

TM Site EasySpeak
Social Media

Our mission is to provide a supportive and positive learning experience, in which our members are empowered to develop their communication and leadership skills.

We do this using proven Toastmaster programs and methods.

At Toastmasters we value integrity, honesty, and respect. That is the promise we gave, when we joined Toastmasters.

In our Amsterdam Early Bird Toastmasters Club we also value motivation to take charge and contribute to the community, diversity, transformation, knowledge, and a positive and friendly atmosphere where we support members and learn from each other.

This is what our club culture is about, and what you will experience, during our gatherings when we flock together on Saturday mornings, compete in contests, and improve our public speaking, communication, and leadership skills.

If you are interested in joining a meeting, you can contact us by using the form below. Our Vice President of Membership will respond accordingly and send you an invitation!

Our motto is “Rise and shine!”

One more thing: We are a public speaking and leadership club. Please do not sign up if your goal is to improve your English, or meet new people.

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